La narrazione dei luoghi come strumento di restituzione dei territori. Atlante di genti remote: il racconto delle Isole Tremiti attraverso le storie dei suoi abitanti
From an anthropological point of view, a narration of places, as a means of restoring territories, implies recalling the vision of place as given to us by the French anthropologist Marc Augé, when he speaks of an anthropological
place as opposed to the concept of "non-place". Anthropological places are all those spaces that have the prerogative of being identity, relational and historical, legible expressions of the social and historical bond between inhabitants and territory. An effective narration of places implies the interpretation of this domesticated space as the result of an encounter between several parties. Telling places, from an anthropological point of view, means restoring their identity.
From an anthropological point of view, the investigation carried out in the Tremiti Islands, through the connotation of the 'human space' that makes up the cultural landscape, aimed to relate individual memory and
'tourist space', where the latter, far from being defined once and for all, is continually renegotiated by local actors in a typical rhetoric that, taking into account the visitor's view, constitutes the sense of place.
place as opposed to the concept of "non-place". Anthropological places are all those spaces that have the prerogative of being identity, relational and historical, legible expressions of the social and historical bond between inhabitants and territory. An effective narration of places implies the interpretation of this domesticated space as the result of an encounter between several parties. Telling places, from an anthropological point of view, means restoring their identity.
From an anthropological point of view, the investigation carried out in the Tremiti Islands, through the connotation of the 'human space' that makes up the cultural landscape, aimed to relate individual memory and
'tourist space', where the latter, far from being defined once and for all, is continually renegotiated by local actors in a typical rhetoric that, taking into account the visitor's view, constitutes the sense of place.
Locality; Turism; Heritage; Memory; Place
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ISSN Print 2499-9288
ISSN Online 2281-1605
Publisher Edizioni Museo Pasqualino
Patronage University of Basilicata, Italy
Web Salvo Leo
Periodico registrato presso il Tribunale di Palermo con numero di registrazione 1/2023