Aujourd’hui les Chamanes
Shamanism is well established in France nowadays. From sweatlodges to drum circles, festivals after gatherings, a new generation of Western practitioners, far to be marginalized, set the basis for a new spirituality mixing
well being, connexion to the nature, psychotherapy and traditions. Shamans’s
Today is a film on shamanism in France, as a phenomenological journey, it proposes an immersion into the field, to see, feel and understand how things are.
well being, connexion to the nature, psychotherapy and traditions. Shamans’s
Today is a film on shamanism in France, as a phenomenological journey, it proposes an immersion into the field, to see, feel and understand how things are.
shamanism; ethnographic film; Laetitia Merli; visual anthropology
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ISSN Print 2499-9288
ISSN Online 2281-1605
Publisher Edizioni Museo Pasqualino
Patronage University of Basilicata, Italy
Web Salvo Leo
Periodico registrato presso il Tribunale di Palermo con numero di registrazione 1/2023